Sunday, 26 February 2012

A Series of Firsts:

Right, So CupcakeMumma has very nicely tagged me for the 'My Firsts' blog.  Let's have a go...

Who was your first boyfriend? Hmm. I believe first proper boyfriend was a boy called Chris when I was 13....looking at 13 year olds now though you think 'Good lord, far too young!'  Anyway, first love and all that.  Lasted about a year haha.  Which is quite good going for a first boyfriend really....What Can I say? Im just lovable haha! 
First person you kissed? Well it was when I was about twelve, so you can imagine just how rubbish it was.  He asked his friend to ask me if I would 'go with him'....anyway I panicked and thought that meant sex or something until someone pointed out to me it was just a kiss. Can remember it clearly haha.  He was a good four inches shorter than me (dont think he has grown much since either....)  and we kissed....with no tongues...was like two goldfish kissing...snogging with no tongues.  Needless to say...did not kiss him again.

First Job? Waitressing in a pub by my parents.  Quite enjoyed it.  Did waitressing for a good three years. Was only about fourteen at the time I started. Would never ever ever do waitressing again though! 
First pay packet. What did you do with it? No idea.  It was only for about £30, so probably just spent it on complete rubbish while shopping!

First CD you remember buying? It was one of the 'Now ' something albums.  May have been 48.... Anyway, I can remember it had that 'Im Horny' song and 'Im blue daba dee daba dyeee'. Haha.  Bought it in Macro....

First holiday abroad? I was 14 first time I went abroad, quite sad.  Went to Spain with my family and my uncle and auntie and cousins.  Got extremely drunk everyday and night with my cousins, had a major hangover when we came back...

What age were you when you moved out of your parents home?  About a week after my 19th birthday :) Moved into a horrible (seemed fab at the time) house and rented it for six months, then moved to the house we are in now in Feb '10 and have been here for two years now, but will be moving again shortly because we have officially bought out own house woooh! Will take about 6 weeks though!


Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Me Time.

Had a lovely valentines day with the Mr, had a cosy night in, ordered an Indian and watched a couple of episodes of Mrs Browns boys (Not very romantic telly choice - but bought the Mr the box set for valentines day so had to be done...)

Then spent today up the farm with my parents and the minions, needless to say my wash basket is now full again after all the mud they managed to plaster themselves in!  It was pretty much empty yesterday! Anyway, we all got our dose of fresh air and feel better for it!  Then this afternoon spent it sitting in Singleton hospital waiting room to see a consultant...who was supposed to be seeing me at 3.15pm and actually called me into her room at 4.50pm. :| Needless to say, not impressed.  So didn't get back to pick up the minions from my parents house until 6.15pm, where the Mr was waiting for me and informed me he was going out at half seven.  (I knew he was going out....just thought it would be later!), so mad rush back home, cooked food for him...aka re-heated last nights Indian for him...I'm afraid I don't eat re-heated food personally! Especially takeaway. Haha. 

So anyway, he has gone.  You would think that this would mean 'oh thats nice, after the kids go to bed a bit of 'me time'.' You would be mistaken.  After he went, Little Miss got taken up to bed, then it was battle with Little man to get his PJs on ready for bed, he finally went up at quarter to eight, I have had a quick shower, before coming down and on here to write this before getting down to my 'me time' which is going to consist of...
-Tidying up the kids toys
- Once the tumble dryer has finished Iron what is in there
- Chuck a wash on to try and empty the laundry basket again
- Wash the Mr's dishes which he kindly just dumped by the sink....
- Catch up on a bit of uni work
- Take some beef out of the freezer ready to make Cawl tommorow.

- Collapse into bed.

As you can see, there is no 'me time' there.

The only 'me time' I actually get is the half hour between getting into bed and going to sleep and reading my book.  Which I cant even say is every night because every now and then the Mr decides to come to bed early and will TALK to me throughout my reading....something I hate. Something he knows I hate but doesnt understand therefore keeps doing it! 

So, on with my 'me time' or what my 'me time' actually is! 


Monday, 13 February 2012

Fresh start.

So my new year resolution of keeping up with this blogging lark has so far failed, as has the house work plan....
although I do have a genuine excuse having bad news at my twenty week scan.  For those of you that do not know, they picked up a couple of things with the baby's brain and things were not looking good for three weeks...back and forth to Cardiff Heath like a yo-yo, last appointment was last Friday.  Went there expecting the worse, expecting to be going back in today in fact, to end the pregnancy.  A horrible thought.  One that I couldn't get out of my head or escape for for the past three weeks after seeing the most horrible consultant in the worlds History who pretty much told me, either carry on as if nothing is happening or abort the pregnancy, whereas carrying on without them doing more tests was not an option.  However, I saw the consultant I originally was supposed to see last Friday who freaked out that I had been given that option in the first place, and who told me that everything is absolutely fine, and that the baby is going to be completely normal.  Admittedly the things they pointed out are still there, but they aren't going to make a difference to the baby.
So looks like we are going to meet our baby girl after all! (Once again, my gut feeling was wrong and we are not having a boy...haha...).

So, anyway, a fresh start.

The house has been cleaned top to bottom in celebratory style after receiving the good news on Friday, my laundry is pretty much up-to-date and have been in PlayZone all afternoon with the kids, dont know who is more worn out us or them!
So all in all a good weekend and start to my new fresh start plan.

Also, very excited we have been to see a house twice and decided to put an offer in this afternoon after trying all morning to get hold of the financial advisor - who was off with the Flu so failed miserably. So decided to do it tomorrow after talking to her, only to receive a phone call from the estate agent at dinner time to say someone else has put an offer in! So madly put an offer in, first rejected, second possibly accepted waiting to hear back from them so looks like it will be in the morning now.  Will somehow have to wait until then! And hopefully get in touch with the financial adviser ASAP.  

On the Uni work front, not really doing that good. Three weeks of not really doing anything constructive has taken its toll on my uni work load, but fortunately my tutor has been informed of what is going on and they are perfectly happy for me to submit my next essay late.  Which is very nice and understanding of them, cant imagine my last tutor would have been quite as understanding! 

Anyway, enough waffling for now.  Just updating everyone with my life at the moment. 
And am actually going to make a point of blogging more regularly. Am quite enjoying it when I do it! 

Beth xx